Fujian before Reform
Four volumes:
Go to Part 1: County Territories and Populations
Go to Part 2: Grain Production, Distribution, and Consumption
Go to Part 3: Grain in Longxi Prefecture
Go to Part 4: Grain in Jinjiang Prefecture
Part 1: County Territories and Populations
ISBN 978-0-9729147-1-0
Distributed on CD.
CD includes book. The text and graphics are
suitable for printing on a desktop printer.
Digital maps. Spreadsheets.
February 2011.
Published at $44.95.
See sample pages.
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or direct from the publisher.
This book (on CD) traces the evolution of county-level administration for one Chinese province through the entire pre-reform era (1949–78) and beyond (to 1999). The CD provides digital maps showing county boundaries and locations of county governments for every year, 1949–99. The CD also includes a collection of county-level population data for 1950–1985. The book itself explains how the digital maps were produced, provides documentation as to sources of maps and data, assesses the quality of the maps and data, and explains how to attach data to maps, in order to examine spatial patterns and how they change over time. The book includes color sample maps.
What's on the CD
1. Digital Maps. All maps are supplied in two formats: MIF and MapInfo native. Based largely upon source maps at scales of 1:100,000 to 1:300,000.
- Boundaries of all county-level entities at year-end for each year 1949–99, with the urban districts in each municipality treated collectively as a single county-level entity
- Locations of county-level governments, at year-end for each year 1949–99
- Fujian provincial boundaries
- Hundreds of offshore islands, including Mazu, Jinmen, and the Penghu group
2. Data. All data supplied in spreadsheets (Excel .xls format, for Windows).
- Administrative information: For each year 1949–99 at year-end, the name of each county-level entity (in pinyin and characters), its type (county, city, or collection of urban districts), and the name of the prefecture or municipality to which it belongs
- County population data, from the 1953, 1964, and 1982 censuses
- County population data, from annual population reports, for all years 1950–85
3. Book. Text, 231 pages, including index and 45 tables; 12 illustrations. In PDF format.
- Describes territorial administration in Fujian and its evolution during 1949-99
- Documents every map object, describing sources and explaining precisely how digital map objects were produced from them
- Assesses the accuracy of the digital maps
- Documents the population data, by describing sources, explaining how spreadsheets were compiled and cross-checked, and providing variable names in the original Chinese (with English translation)
- Explains how to use the digital maps and data, with step-by-step instructions and sample output
Software requirements
- For viewing and printing text, Adobe Reader
- For viewing and printing data, a spreadsheet package, such as Microsoft Excel
- For statistical analysis of county data, any statistical package that can import Excel spreadsheets
- For attaching data to maps, a vector-based desktop-mapping or GIS software package, such as MapInfo or ArcGIS (or ArcView)
Part 2: Grain Production, Distribution, and Consumption
ISBN 978-0-9729147-2-7
Distributed on CD.
CD includes book. The text and graphics are
suitable for printing on a desktop printer.
March 2014.
Published at $44.95.
See sample pages.
Buy from Amazon.com
or direct from the publisher.
This book (on CD) traces the evolution of grain production, distribution, and consumption in one Chinese province through the entire pre-reform era (1949–78) and beyond (into the mid 1980s). The CD includes 263 spreadsheets that collect grain data at provincial, prefectural, and county levels. The book explains how the data were assembled and what they mean. It also provides a wealth of additional material explaining statistical practices and describing relevant institutions and policies and how these affected availability of grain across the province and in particular locales.
What's on the CD
1. Data. All data supplied in spreadsheets (Excel .xls format, for Windows).
- Provincial time series. Grain output and area, procurement and sales at planned prices, purchases and sales at negotiated prices, transfers into and out of Fujian, and consumption. Grain balances. Supplementary data pertaining to population, agricultural inputs, livestock, and grain prices.
- County-level cross sections, for 21 years (during the period 1949–85). Grain output and area. Some supplementary data pertaining to agricultural population and labor force, cultivated area, and livestock.
- Prefectural and county-level time series, for Longyan and Ningde prefectures (of the 1980s) and the 16 counties in these prefectures. Grain output and area, procurement and sales at planned prices, purchases and sales at negotiated prices, transfers into and out of each prefecture and county, consumption. Supplementary data pertaining to population, labor force, and cultivated area; additional data, for some counties. Intended coverage is 1949–85, but many series are incomplete.
2. Book. 782 pages, including 6 graphs and nearly 300 tables. In PDF format.
- Describes the contents of the spreadsheets and explains how every spreadsheet was assembled
- Provides a source (or sources) for every entry in every spreadsheet, including methods of derivation, if relevant
- Assesses the accuracy of the data in the spreadsheets
- Provides extensive explanatory material concerning: statistical practices at provincial, prefectural and county levels; institutions and policies relevant to grain production and the grain trade; and implementation of policy at the provincial, prefectural, and county levels
Software requirements
- For viewing and printing text, Adobe Reader
- For viewing and printing data, a spreadsheet package, such as Microsoft Excel
- For statistical analysis of county data, any statistical package that can import Excel spreadsheets
- For attaching data to maps, a vector-based desktop-mapping or GIS software package, such as MapInfo or ArcGIS (or ArcView), and the county maps in Fujian before Reform, Part 1 (above)
Part 3: Grain in Longxi Prefecture
ISBN 978-0-9729147-3-4
Distributed on CD.
CD includes book.
Suitable for printing on a desktop printer.
June 2017.
Published at $44.95.
See sample pages.
Buy from Amazon.com
or direct from the publisher.
This book (on CD) traces the evolution of grain production, distribution, and consumption in one prefecture of Fujian province through the entire pre-reform era (1949–78) and beyond (into the late 1980s). The CD includes 129 spreadsheets that collect grain data at prefectural and county levels. The book explains how the data were assembled and what they mean. It also explains relevant statistical practices, describes institutions and policies, and traces policy implementation at the prefectural and county levels. This volume augments the prefectural- and county-level studies in Fujian before Reform, Part 2 (above).
What's on the CD
1. Data. All data supplied in spreadsheets (Excel .xls format, for Windows).
- Time series, for Longxi prefecture (renamed Zhangzhou municipality, in 1985). Grain output and area, procurement and sales at planned prices, purchases and sales at negotiated prices, transfers to and from Longxi, consumption, and prices. Grain balances. Supplementary data pertaining to population and cultivated area.
- County-level time series, for the city of Zhangzhou (renamed Xiangcheng district, in 1985) and for nine counties. Grain output and area, procurement and sales at planned prices, purchases and sales at negotiated prices, transfers to and from each county (and Zhangzhou), consumption. Supplementary data pertaining to population, labor force, and cultivated area, with additional data (e.g., grain balances, stocks, processing, prices) for some counties. Intended coverage is 1949–85, but many series are incomplete.
2. Book. 530 pages, including nearly 200 tables. In PDF format.
- Describes the contents of the spreadsheets and explains how every spreadsheet was assembled
- Provides a source (or sources) for every entry in every spreadsheet, including methods of derivation, if relevant
- Assesses the accuracy of the data in the spreadsheets
- Provides extensive explanatory material concerning statistical practices at prefectural and county levels, institutions and policies relevant to grain production and the grain trade, and implementation of policy at prefectural and county levels
Software requirements
- For viewing and printing text, Adobe Reader
- For viewing and printing data, a spreadsheet package, such as Microsoft Excel
- For statistical analysis of county data, any statistical package that can import Excel spreadsheets
- For attaching data to maps, a vector-based desktop-mapping or GIS software package, such as MapInfo or ArcGIS (or ArcView), and the county maps in Fujian before Reform, Part 1 (above)
Part 4: Grain in Jinjiang Prefecture
ISBN 978-0-9729147-4-1
Distributed on CD.
CD includes book.
Suitable for printing on a desktop printer.
December 2019.
Published at $44.95.
See sample pages.
Buy from Amazon.com
or direct from the publisher.
This book (on CD) traces the evolution of grain production, distribution, and consumption in one prefecture of Fujian province through the entire pre-reform era (1949–78) and beyond (into the late 1980s). The CD includes 101 spreadsheets that collect grain data at prefectural and county levels. The book explains how the data were assembled and what they mean. It also explains relevant statistical practices, describes institutions and policies, and traces policy implementation at the prefectural and county levels. This volume augments the prefectural- and county-level studies in Fujian before Reform, Part 2 and Part 3 (above).
What's on the CD
1. Data. All data supplied in spreadsheets (Excel .xlsx format, for Windows).
- Time series, for Jinjiang prefecture (renamed Quanzhou municipality, in 1985). Grain output and area, procurement and sales at planned prices, purchases and sales at negotiated prices, transfers to and from Jinjiang, consumption, and prices. Grain balances. Supplementary data pertaining to population and cultivated area.
- County-level time series, for the city of Quanzhou (renamed Licheng district, in 1985) and for six counties. Grain output and area, procurement and sales at planned prices, purchases and sales at negotiated prices, transfers to and from each county (and Quanzhou), consumption. Supplementary data pertaining to population, labor force, and cultivated area, with additional data (e.g., grain balances, stocks, processing, prices) for some counties. Intended coverage is 1949–85, but many series are incomplete.
2. Book. 514 pages, including over 100 tables. In PDF format.
- Describes the contents of the spreadsheets and explains how every spreadsheet was assembled
- Provides a source (or sources) for every entry in every spreadsheet, including methods of derivation, if relevant
- Assesses the accuracy of the data in the spreadsheets
- Provides extensive explanatory material concerning statistical practices at prefectural and county levels, institutions and policies relevant to grain production and the grain trade, and implementation of policy at prefectural and county levels
Software requirements
- For viewing and printing text, Adobe Reader
- For viewing and printing data, a spreadsheet package, such as Microsoft Excel
- For statistical analysis of county data, any statistical package that can import Excel spreadsheets
- For attaching data to maps, a vector-based desktop-mapping or GIS software package, such as MapInfo or ArcGIS (or ArcView), and the county maps in Fujian before Reform, Part 1 (above)