Sample Content

To see sample text, maps, and graphs from our books, click the links below. All of the sample maps were produced using the digital boundary files included in the Township volumes and in Fujian before Reform, Part 1. All sample content is provided in PDF format. [To view PDF files, use Adobe Reader, available free of charge at]

China Maritime Customs and China’s Trade Statistics, 1859–1948

Townships in Fujian: Digital Maps and Data, 1997-2003

Townships in Fujian, Supplement 1: Mapping the Census

Townships in Fujian, Supplement 2: 1992–96 and 2004–06

Fujian before Reform, Part 1: County Territories and Populations

Fujian before Reform, Part 2: Grain Production, Distribution, and Consumption

Fujian before Reform, Part 3: Grain in Longxi Prefecture

Fujian before Reform, Part 4: Grain in Jinjiang Prefecture

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